Last week I bought a great piece on craigslist. Like I mentioned on Friday though, it spent the whole week in my car. I can only imagine what people thought while I was driving around with it, haha. Oh well.
At any rate, we finally hauled it into the house this weekend. Here it is!
I paid $50 and it would have been a steal at twice the price. It’s actually a secretary, so there’s some great organization on the inside.
By the way, try to ignore the painters tape and black plastic along the wall in these pics. Once I install new base molding you won’t see that any more. The floors look good though right?
It’s in really good shape too so it doesn’t need any refinishing. There are one or two rough spots, but nothing bad. Which is great because I’ve been so busy lately that I don’t know how I’d get it refinished before 2016 anyway.
Here are some details:
Of course, moving it into the living room freed up some space in my car… which I promptly filled with another dresser I found. Who knows when it’ll make it out of there.
The more things change the more they stay the same.